Silver Rails Properties LLC

Vineyard, Winery & Tasting Room

Offered At $1,200,000

Vineyard, Winery Building And Tasting Room
Right Off Major Highway US-63 Exit
Between Kirksville (10 minutes) and Macon (20 minutes)

100 East Benton Street, La Plata, Missouri 63549

Vineyard, Winery and Tasting Room near a major highway exit serving both Kirksville (10 minutes) and Macon (20 minutes) as well as La Plata.

The Silver Rails Winery is the large 9,000 square foot building shown above. The winery has a tasting room. The vineyards extend from the railroad tacks at the bottom of the above photo to the water tower in the distance. 17 acres of the 40+ acres for sale have vineyard infrastructure (polls, wires, nets, some irrigation) with about 7 acres currently producing. Current winemaker / vineyard manager is willing to stay on to meet Missouri residency requirements if new owners wish to remain out of state.

Barbara Cepinko, Silver Rails Properties LLC, babs @, 564-333-9064

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